Participant Evaluations (January 2016)

Instructor: Nathalie Al-Zyoud
Institution: Conservation International, Policy Center for Environment and Peace
Course Title: Consensus-building Skills Training
Date: 01/07/2016
Course time: Th 1:00-3:00


Number of participants: 17



Evaluation Summary

The instructor was knowledgeable about the subject matter100%

The instructor was easy to interact with96%

The instructor completed all course modules in a timely manner96%

I am satisfied with the quality of the course98%

I would recommend Nathalie Al-Zyoud as an instructor198%



Participant Comments

"Useful info. No complaints"

"Really informative session! More info or continuance of this would be great."

"The training was really informative."

"Good overview, perhaps would have been better to add more time to more thoroughly cover the topic."

"I liked the exercises, useful for understanding and applying the skills"




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