
Conference on Armed Conflict in the Southern Cameroons

Resolving Armed Conflicts for Self-Determination in Africa: Key Considerations and Case Comparisons

The Coalition for Dialogue and Negotiation (CDN) provided a space

GW Video Series: navigating the sexual advances of armed men

Women mediators face many risks mediating amongst highly volatile individuals. Being the subject of sexual advances is one of them. 

Navigating the danger in humiliating a man when setting boundaries can be challenging. Hearing a “no” from a woman, who in many settings is already perceived as a second-class citizen, can trigger face-saving responses that can easily turn violent.

DEI Organizational Systems

After years of perfecting dialogues designed to meet the needs of diverse communities, CIT began looking at ways to align its own operational structure with the dialogic practices used with our beneficiaries, and in particular how our own internal systems would allow for collaborative decision-making, self-determination and multi-stakeholder participation.


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