
IRD Concepts and Framework

“Beautiful relationships do not depend on how well we understand someone, but depend on how well we manage the misunderstandings” – Unk

Khartoum agreement implementation?

Community members vote to elect spokespeople to advocate for their security needs with the Central government. These representatives make up the community link of the 2-way communication mechanisms CIT is creating between local communities and the State in CAR.

Trade is thriving between Sudan and Bria in CAR

Bria, Central African Republic (February 4, 2019) - A much needed influx of goods poured into Bria from Sudan this past week.

Domination logic

The failure of accountability mechanisms to root out the domination logic of global institutions leads to work in complex conflict zones that is designed to fail.

KAICIID Interreligious Fellows Program

CIT Senior Mediator, Nathalie Al-Zyoud, was selected to participate in a year-long course related to interreligious dialogue, coexistence and plura

Dialogue provides enough confidence for families to return home after violence in Bria

August 25, 2018 - Conflict between Anti-Balaka militias and former Selekas in Bornou, a neighborhood near the city center of Bria, northwestern CAR

Gangs seize CIT to prevent revenge killings

A violent couple of hours interrupts once again the day in the Muslim ghetto of Pk5, a neighborhood of Bangui.

U.S.-based frontline activism

Dangerous speech rose and spread at alarming rates in the United States since the 2016 election, targeting marginalized racial, ethnic and religious communities, immigrants, undocumented persons, refugees, LGBTQIA+, and persons with disabilities.

The road ahead: leadership in uncertain times

Nathalie Al-Zyoud led a session on shifting power dynamics for Emerging Practitioners in Philanthrop


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